48h Neukölln 2024 THE BOOK OF SILENCE
48h Neukölln 2024 ’THE BOOK OF SILENCE’ is an interactive installation with butterflies, meditation, writing and drawing in the ‘Book of Silence’, that takes place in the KulturCafé. The Festival’s theme is 'Urban Silence'. Our project is about the inner silence one can experience in the urban space.
Etty Hillesum (1914 -1943), a Jewish Dutch woman who wrote her diaries during the Second World War, and who was murdered in Auschwitz, still inspires us with her words: " … one must always carry a great silence within one, [...] even in the midst of all the hustle and bustle and in the midst of the most animated conversations …”.
Location and dates: KulturCafé Friedelstrasse 28, Berlin, June 28th – June 30th 2024, Fri from 7 pm till 8.15 pm, Sat from noon till 5.30 pm, and Sun from noon till 5.30 pm. Kindly note, that the meditations take place just after closing time.
